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Nathan Smith

June 16, 2017

AUSTIN, TX – American Gateways is relieved to learn that the Trump Administration will continue to implement the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program initiated by former President Obama. The DACA program has created opportunities for more than 100,000 students throughout Texas and has been shown to positively impact educational attainment, economic opportunity, and earning potential, all of which are a boon for all Texans irrespective of their immigration status. Our team has the privilege of working with Central Texas “DREAMers” every day and we can attest to the incredible energy, ambition, and commitment to American ideals embodied by this community. We are hopeful that the Administration’s announcement means that it will no longer equivocate on their future eligibility for basic protection from deportation.

While we believe that DACA reflects an even-handed, positive, and overall progressive approach to immigration policy, it is not a long term solution to one of our nation’s largest challenges in the field of immigration: how do we treat the millions among us who work hard every day to achieve the American Dream and positively contribute to our communities, but who remain trapped in the shadows because our current system affords them no legal remedy? Indeed, at the same time that the Department of Homeland Security announced the continuation of DACA, it formally cancelled the Deferred Action for Parental Accountability program, effectively rejecting the notion of offering even minimal protections to undocumented parents of U.S. citizen and resident children.

American Gateways thus renews its call for humane and comprehensive immigration reform that creates a path to permanent status and, ultimately, citizenship for all who qualify. In the interim, we will continue to serve the DREAMer community throughout Central Texas and promote the fundamental rights of undocumented immigrants everywhere.

Individuals interested in applying for DACA or a DACA renewal can apply for services in person at American Gateways’ Austin office, Monday throughThursday between 9:00AM and 12:00PM and 1:30PM and 5:00PM. Our San Antonio office conducts walk-in screening Monday through Thursday from9:00AM to 2:00PM. Our Waco office will schedule intakes by appointment only.

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